Buddhist Holy Day Dhamma (06/03/2025)
It is not by sorrowing and lamenting
that even the least good here can be gained.
Knowing that one is sorrowful and sad,
one’s enemies are elated.
“When the wise person does not shake in adversities,
knowing how to determine what is good,
his enemies are saddened, having seen
that his former facial expression does not change.
“Wherever one might gain one’s good,
in whatever way—by chanting, mantras,
maxims, gifts, or tradition—there
one should exert oneself in just that way.
“But if one should understand: ‘This good
cannot be obtained by me or anyone else,’
one should accept the situation without sorrowing,
thinking: ‘The kamma is strong; what can I do now?’”
AN 5.48 Situations (Bhikkhu Bodhi)