Buddhist Holy Day Dhamma (27/11/2023)

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Buddhist Holy Day Dhamma (27/11/2023)

Bhikkhu, when one knows and sees the eye, forms, eye-consciousness, and eye-contact as impermanent, fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises. When one knows and sees as impermanent whatever feeling arises with eye-contact as condition—whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant— fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises. 


When one knows and sees the ear, sounds, ear-consciousness, and ear-contact as impermanent, fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises. When one knows and sees as impermanent whatever feeling arises with ear-contact as condition—whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant— fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises. 


When one knows and sees the nose, odours, nose-consciousness, and nose-contact as impermanent, fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises. When one knows and sees as impermanent whatever feeling arises with nose-contact as condition—whether pleasant or painful or 

neither-painful-nor-pleasant— fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises. 


When one knows and sees the tongue, tastes, tongue-consciousness, and tongue-contact as impermanent, fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises. When one knows and sees as impermanent whatever feeling arises with tongue-contact as condition—whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant— fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises. 


When one knows and sees the body, tactile objects, body-consciousness, and body-contact as impermanent, fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises. When one knows and sees as impermanent whatever feeling arises with body-contact as condition—whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant— fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises. 


When one knows and sees the mind, mental phenomena, mind-consciousness, and mind-contact as impermanent, fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises. When one knows and sees as impermanent whatever feeling arises with mind-contact as condition—whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant— fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises. 


When one knows and sees thus, bhikkhu, fetters is abandoned and true knowledge arises.”


SN 35.54 Abandoning the Fetters (Bhikkhu Bodhi) 



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