Buddhist Holy Day Dhamma (04/08/2024)

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Buddhist Holy Day Dhamma (04/08/2024)

Strive and cut the stream!
Dispel sensual pleasures, brahmin.
A sage who doesn’t give up sensual pleasures
is not reborn in a unified state.


If one is to do what should be done,
one should staunchly strive.
For the life gone forth when laxly led
just stirs up dust all the more.


A bad deed is better left undone,
for it will plague you later on.
A good deed is better done,
one that does not plague you.


When kusa grass is wrongly grasped
it only cuts the hand.
So too, the ascetic life, when wrongly taken,
drags you to hell.


Any lax act,
any corrupt observance,
or suspicious spiritual life,
is not very fruitful.”


SN 2.8 With Tāyana (Bhikkhu Sujato)


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